Archive for Agustus 2015
Lab 1 - Wireless Point To Point
Wireless Point-to-Point is a wireless communication connection between two points, where the host is connected only with one client.
Wireless Point-to-Point (P2P) using two Mikrotik Mikrotik + Directional Antenna (Grid, Yagi, Sectoral, etc.). Application of Wireless Point-to-point on Mikrotik RouterOS license requires a minimum of level 3 with bridge mode - station.
1. The first step, open the winbox with the address routerOS, next go to wireless, then you can
see the wlan1. Click it, and then click the number 3 icon to enable the WiFi.
2. After the WiFi enable, double click at the type of the wlan1.
3. After you double click at the type of wlan1 ,the selection window will show up like this.
4. Then edit like this.
Number 1 : change the mode into ap bridge, Band into 2GBHz-B/G/N
Number 2 : SSID, enter the name of SSID what ever you want
Then click apply , OK.
5. Next step, open the New Terminal.
6. In terminal, config the IP address like in the picture.
"wlan1" the yellow mark, change into ether1.
7. Next, Config the IP of wlan1 like the picture.
8. Then open the WiFi icon in your windows, and find your SSID. If the SSID name will show up, it means
you already done the config of SSID.
9. After you find your SSID, try to connect. it must be Limited Access.
10. Go to IPv4 configurtion, enter the IP address, enter the gateway of Mikrotik, then enter the DNS
google. After done, click Ok.
11. After done, wait a few minute. The window to set network location will show up.
choose the Public Network.
12. Now try ping google with (SSID) Connection.
13. Now from the other router, try to enable the wireless again. Then double click at the type wlan1.
14. In the interface wlan1 , clcik scan to find the first SSID you made.
15. Now find the name of the SSID, if you find it. click it, then click connect to connect with the SSID
16. Then, click apply to connect with the SSID.
17. Next open the New Terminal, then setting the IP and IP Firewall.
18. Next open the LAN connection in windows 7.
number1 : enter the IP Address.
number2 : enter the IP Gateway MikroTIK
number3 : enter the DNS. Then click OK
19. After that , it will show up the window "Select Location For The 'Network'". Choose the public
20. The last step, try to PING to google, if connect you already succeed to configure the WLAN
Point To Point.
- To know how to configure Wireless Point To Point with MikroTIK
Wireless Point-to-Point (P2P) using two Mikrotik Mikrotik + Directional Antenna (Grid, Yagi, Sectoral, etc.). Application of Wireless Point-to-point on Mikrotik RouterOS license requires a minimum of level 3 with bridge mode - station.
1. The first step, open the winbox with the address routerOS, next go to wireless, then you can
see the wlan1. Click it, and then click the number 3 icon to enable the WiFi.
2. After the WiFi enable, double click at the type of the wlan1.
3. After you double click at the type of wlan1 ,the selection window will show up like this.
4. Then edit like this.
Number 1 : change the mode into ap bridge, Band into 2GBHz-B/G/N
Number 2 : SSID, enter the name of SSID what ever you want
Then click apply , OK.
5. Next step, open the New Terminal.
6. In terminal, config the IP address like in the picture.
"wlan1" the yellow mark, change into ether1.
7. Next, Config the IP of wlan1 like the picture.
you already done the config of SSID.
google. After done, click Ok.
choose the Public Network.
number1 : enter the IP Address.
number2 : enter the IP Gateway MikroTIK
number3 : enter the DNS. Then click OK
Point To Point.
By : Unknown