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- Lab 7 User Login Manajemen
Posted by : Unknown
Rabu, 27 Mei 2015
Purpose :
- To know the function of user management on MikroTik.
- To know user management MikroTik
Basic Concepts :
- By default to login to MikroTik, using the admin user and password blank.
to perform user management can be alone in order to be more secure login MikroTik.
In this configuration we will learn
1. Changing the Router Identity
2. User Management
3. Service Management.
Step by Step :
1. First open the Winbox, then go to System - Identity .
2. In Identity, change the Router Identity. Then click apply then ok.
3. Next see the top of the Winbox, the name Router Identity will be seen.
1. Login to Mikrotik by admin
then open the Winbox and go to System - User
2. In system user, click the (+) icon to add user, then type your name then apply then ok.
3. Then see the username will be display on the window user. After that you must logout the Winbox.
4. Then open again the Winbox, then click the (...) then see the name Router Identity will be
displayed. click it and then clik connect.
2. You ,ust insert the IP MikroTik on user admin, dobule click at user admin, then enter the Allowed
Address if done, click Apply then Ok.
3. Then you can see the IP at user admin.
4. If you done, try to exit h\the Winbox, then try to loggin in using the login IP Client that is not
registered with the admin user on Mikrotik.The result will not be able to login and it says "Wrong Username or Password"
In the management Service, can be used on change the Ports used as port Telnet, SSH etc. But now, i will make Changes to the Telnet port.
1. Login to MikroTik by Winbox, then go to IP - Services.
2. Then double click on Telnet, then change the Port to 8080. then click Apply then ok.
3. Then you can see the port has change into 8080.
4. Try to login MikroTik with Telnet on Client.
Open the Software Putty, input the Host name of IP Address (IP OF MIKROTIK) and the port8080, and the connection type is telnet. Then click Open.
5. After you click open, the Mikrotik in Putty will be open, then login as admin then see your name in